Your love and commitment to Val over the 54 years of marriage you shared is something that not many others will ever achieve. The love you have for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren is something they will cherish forever.
I have had he honour of knowing you all for over 30 years now and of sharing happy times and sad times with you all. The memories of you that stand out most in my mind are: the times that we would phone you up at 2am and you would come and pick us up from Zens (you weren't ever too happy about it, but came nonetheless) - when you dyed your hair for Luisa's wedding in the Dominican, we all had belly laughs over that! The two holidays we had to Disneyworld and your envy of the Americans on mobility scooters- the dread that everyone in the family had, each birthday and Christmas; what can we buy Ken? He has bought every gadget on QVC (now Amazon), but most of all I am left with the honour of having known you.
Tina xx